Hi everyone! Meet your current safety and inclusion coordinators: Chris Orser, Isabelle LeBlanc and Bella (Ysabelle) Vautour.
We are here to support you with any ideas and concerns you may have about the club, whether big or small. Our goal is for dancers to feel safe and have fun as well as foster an inclusive environment so everyone can dance! Our role, along with the executive and instructors, is to create a safe space for you to dance and socialize.
Dancing should only be uncomfortable in the sense of being challenged to learn something new and pushing yourself to improve. We hope that you not only learn how to swing dance, but also learn how to listen to and take care of your body, as well as how to be a considerate and awesome partner!
Please don’t hesitate to talk to any safety and inclusion coordinators or any of the instructors and execs at any time during one of our classes or events. We would love to get to know you better! Feedback is highly encouraged; we love it, respect it and want to hear it. You can also get in touch with us by emailing swingdance.safety1@gmail.com.
We also encourage all club members and class participants to read our Code of Conduct (Safer Spaces Policy and Guide to Being a Respectful Dancer)