Frequently Asked Questions

What should I wear?

Please bring clean, indoor, non-marking shoes and wear clothes that are comfortable to dance in. Generally shoes with little to no tread work best. High heels are not recommended and more advice on shoes can be found here. You may want to dress up for special events like Swingin’ to Spring, but it is not necessary.

Do I have to bring a partner?

Most of our classes teach partner dance, but you don’t need to bring a dance partner. We encourage everyone to rotate dance partners throughout the night so that everyone gets experience dancing with multiple dance partners. However, you may choose to bring a partner and not rotate if you wish.

What class should I start with?

If you are a beginner, we normally recommend that you start with one of the intro classes listed on our classes page. Prerequisites are listed for each class, but talk with the teachers if you believe you have equivalent experience. See also the prerequisite graph.

How do I learn about class cancellations?

Check the Facebook page, Facebook group, and/or e-mails for updates, including cancellations due to weather or other reasons.

How do I get on the email list?

Come to class and ask to be added at the front desk, or email us.

What happens if I miss a class?

Most classes, especially intro classes, are managed in blocks. If you have registered and paid for the block, your spot in the class is guaranteed and you can skip as many classes as you wish. However, the price for a block is the same no matter how many weeks you miss and we recommend that you miss as few classes in a block as possible in order not to fall behind. With that in mind, we do not allow registration on the third or later weeks of a block.
Many class blocks allow drop-ins for a per-week fee or you can pay for the whole block at once. You can miss any drop-in class without falling significantly behind, so you can drop-in on any class in the block.

Can I pre-register for classes?

Anyone can pre-register for any block if they have the prerequisites for that block. You can pre-register by emailing or by inquiring at the front desk. You can pay for the block at the front desk in advance or when you arrive at the first class of the block. Please note that once the first class starts, any unpaid pre-registrations will not be honoured and your spot might be given to someone else if the class cap has been reached.

Why should I sign in at the front desk?

We like to track attendance at all classes to identify any trends. Please sign in each week for the 7:00pm class and then also sign in for the 8:30pm class if you are taking both. Attendance is not mandatory each week, but it is highly encouraged.

What is membership?

Membership is a discount program for those who intend to take multiple blocks of classes and/or attend many socials.  A membership card costs $20 for students and $30 for non-students. For the period of 6 months, membership entitles the member to $5 off every block of classes, free socials (except at Unplugged), pre-registration for classes, and the right to run and vote for the Swing Dance Executive at the Annual General Meeting. Membership is not required to take any class block or attend socials.

Why is there a class cap?

All classes have a maximum size. This allows teachers to give more individual attention to students as well as keeps the room less crowded.

What is a “Dance Break”

After each class we normally have a break from instruction and put on music. This is an excellent chance to practice dancing, drink some water, or socialize. These are free.

What is “Social Dance”?

We host a Social Dance for $5. A social dance is a less structured dance period where one can hang out, ask questions, or ask whomever they like to dance. This usually falls on Saturdays or on Mondays after class. If one paid for the block or the class on Monday the social afterwards is free.

I’m visiting Fredericton

Check out our page here for information about the city.

What’s your privacy policy?

Please see this page

How do I help?

The club is run by a small number of Executive Officers and Swing Dance Instructors. If you are interested in helping out in any way or have ideas, please let us know.

If you would like to join the Swing Dance Executive, every year we hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) usually in April. At the AGM, members may vote for our next Executive Officers. Members may nominate themselves to be an Executive Officer in advance of the AGM. Executive Officers create social events, organize large events like Swingin’ to Spring, book space, and vote on proposals which define what we do.

Fredericton Swing Dance